CoronaSDK: How to know if a file exists?

Update: Dejay was correct, you have to try and open the file to know for sure if it’s there or not.

Want to know if a file exists before you use it?

Lately, I’ve been wanting something a little more dynamic in my projects for opening various Scenes (think Director, but not).   I needed a way of looking to see if a file existed or not before I tried to load it up.  Here’s the result:

function fileExists(fileName, base)
  assert(fileName, "fileName is missing")
  local base = base or system.ResourceDirectory
  local filePath = system.pathForFile( fileName, base )
  local exists = false
  if (filePath) then -- file may exist. won't know until you open it
    local fileHandle = filePath, "r" )
    if (fileHandle) then -- nil if no file found
      exists = true

Typical usage:

if fileExists("myGame.lua") then
  -- do something wonderful

If the file does not exist, the CoronaSDK library function system.pathForFile() returns nil.  It also returns a Warning in the console, which can be safely ignored.

By default it checks your app’s asset directory (system.ResourceDirectory), however, if you’d like to check if a file you created exists you can pass in an alternative base path like so:

if fileExists("some_file.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory) then
  -- do something wonderful

The three valid options for base path are:

  1. system.ResourceDirectory
  2. system.DocumentsDirectory
  3. system.TemporaryDirectory


  1. Isn’t it true that this approach won’t work for system.DocumentsDirectory and system.TemporaryDirectory? My understand is that because those directories are read/write, system.pathForFile will return true even if the file doesn’t exist, as long as the file COULD be created in those directories.

  2. There are a few optimizations you could make to your code. First, system.pathForFile already uses system.ResourceDirectory as a default, so there’s no need to invoke “local base = base or system.ResourceDirectory”. Also, if base is set to system.ResourceDirectory, there’s no need to check to see if the file exists, because pathForFile already tells you that with read-only directories.

  3. Thanks Dejay.

    You’re right. I don’t need to do the “local base = base or …”, but I find it makes it easier for me to read later. I don’t have to know the defaults for pathForFile.

    Also, if pathForFile returns nil (which it does for readonly directories), the code already exits without checking any further on Line 7.


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